Hair loss affects an estimated 75% of men.

Two-thirds of women will also have some form of hair loss in their lifetime.

180 billion dollars are spent yearly, worldwide, on hair loss treatments.

Haircheck has forever changed the way people think and talk about hair loss. Before Haircheck there was no practical way to measure hair loss, hair breakage, and the response to treatments. And because hair could not be measured, doctors and hair professionals were simply unable to answer the following questions:

  • Do I have hair loss? Is it getting worse? How quickly?
  • Do I have hair breakage? How bad?
  • Is my hair loss/breakage treatment working?

50% of your hair must be lost or broken before it’s visible to the naked eye!

With HairCheck, your hair professional can detect the early stages of thinning and breakage, and suggest early treatment… treatments that can reverse breakage and possibly delay future balding.